
益博EB5AN为能够与客户建立积极的关系,获得他们在EB-5投资流程中的信任而深感自豪。我们竭尽全力确保每位EB-5 投资者从最初的咨询到整个EB-5流程的结束都完全满意。




我们的客户选择佐治亚双子湖项目,是因为该项目的开发商经验丰富、过往业绩无可挑剔。同时,项目本身的成功也给予了投资者极大的投资信心。开德集团也因其从未出现未能偿还贷款,并提供EB-5贷款还款担保而赢得了投资者的信赖。此外,项目已为每个EB-5投资者创造了足够的工作岗位,以满足 EB-5 计划的工作岗位创造要求。我们的许多客户选择双子湖的另一大因素是因为它位于乡村目标就业区(TEA)。目标就业区指定意味着投资者的I-526E申请可以得到优先受理,并且不会面临签证积压。


姓名: Siddarth


背景:我的叫Siddharth。2015年,我以学生的身份来到美国,在杜克大学攻读 MBA。MBA毕业后,我开始从事投资银行工作。我当时在东海岸……现在我在加利福尼亚州工作。我的H1-B(签证)2023年底就要到期了……(所以)我们决定……申请EB-5签证

为什么选择益博EB5AN:当我发现益博EB5AN 时,对我而言有几点让人印象深刻,包括创始人的血统。我的背景是商学院和投资银行,看到和我沟通对接的人都素质很高、专业知识丰富,有国际化工作背景,这让我感到很安心,我相信他们会流程规范,信息透明。在我与Sam和益博EB5AN团队其他成员的沟通中,可以感觉到这些人的反馈都非常及时。





姓名: Ken



为什么选择益博EB5AN:我遇到了Sam Silverman和他的公司,[并]花了一些时间和他沟通我们的情况……我很喜欢Sam已经确保创造了所有工作工作岗位这一点。我看过了经济学家关于创造就业的报告,我们已经满足了政府对每个投资者的工作岗位创造要求。因此,这种移民风险已被最小化……我还想说Sam和他的团队合作起来非常轻松; 他们反应迅速,很有耐心。这也让我对与这个团队一起工作感觉很好,因为我可以在需要时获得帮助。

为什么选择佐治亚双子湖别墅项目推荐给我的律师之一是Anahita George,她也是我最终选择的律师。她不仅合作起来起来让人感到非常愉快,随时回应,而且她本人还资助她的妹妹通过EB-5计划从印度来到美国。她选择投资的项目和我一样,也是双子湖别墅乡村项目。所以,这给了我一些安慰,因为她和我有着共同的利益目标。我还咨询了了双子湖别墅项目的另一位投资者,他对这项投资的评价也非常高;他在我之前就对该项目进行了尽职调查,并给予了积极的评价。




背景:我是Mohan……我目前居住在拉各斯。我儿子在美国……(他)曾四次尝试通过雇主申请H-1B 签证。四次都失败了。 几年前,我通过我的兄弟听说了通过EB-5投资途径获得绿卡的这种选择……然后我们决定,“好吧,我们申请看看吧。”


我也看过了公司的过往业绩。他们从 2013 年开始,已成功推出了超过 8 个项目。 他解释了…… 所有的问题。(所以)我最终选择了益博EB5AN,并决定和Sam合作。

为什么选择佐治亚双子湖别墅项目: 我们最终选择了双子湖别墅项目。它是针对退休人群和想要搬到这里长期定居的人群的小型住宅社群,目的是让他们以较少的投资过上舒适的生活,并得以享受社区的幸福生活。现在项目已经售出了440套住宅。开德集团没有任何一个未完成的项目,也没任何贷款未能偿还或拖欠。 他们方方面面都做到了。他们是美国排名前二十五的私人住宅房地产开发商之一,享有盛誉。他们建造了2万多套房屋。声誉无可挑剔。



背景: 我叫Rahul。 我作为一名学生来到美国攻读本科学位……专业是金融领域。我很幸运在这里工作了一年,但随后受到H-1B 规定变化的限制……我又继续攻读了一个硕士学位。我最终获得了硕士学位,然后……在(一个软件系统集成商)那里工作了大约九年。


为什么选择益博EB5AN: 原因只有三个字母,那就是 S-A-M。每当我与(Sam)交谈时,(他的)专业精神,(他的)沟通的方式——(他)从来没有强迫我们签署任何项目,而是尽可能地帮助我们,并让我们完成自己的尽职调查。还有我整体的感觉。这一点很难解释,但每当我和(Sam)沟通时,总是感到充满信心……益博EB5AN就是我想选择进行投资的公司。

为什么选择佐治亚双子湖别墅项目: 所以,品牌肯定是第一要素。 当你听过开德集团以及他们所承接的项目,以及他们数十年来的成功业绩(从未拖欠贷款或任何形式的融资)时,这对我们来说占了很大的因素。



Name: Milan
From: India
Occupation: Software engineer

Reason for investing in an EB-5 Visa: Freedom to work for any employer and work part time; son wants to pursue higher education in U.S. colleges/universities

Background: I came to the U.S. in 2014. And, since then, I was on an H-1B visa, working as a software engineer in the U.S. I want to get out of renewing my H-1B visa, every three years, and going through the visa process and all that. It was very inconvenient and I would have to put stress on family to do that process.

And another reason is for my son’s studies. He wants to pursue the medical domain. And for him to get admission into colleges is almost impossible if we are not citizens or permanent residents over here.

Why EB5AN: I came to the EB5AN website and went through the whole [EB-5] process. That helps you understand the process and give you a trust that, “Yeah. It is going to work.” So, in particular, the EB5AN website: the main thing I like is its transparency about the processes, all the project’s financial statements and everything.

That information is very helpful, while understanding that this regional center is doing great, you can trust the regional center, and it’s professional.

And, if I had any questions, then I was getting very quick replies. I also talked to Ahmed [Khan, a VP at EB5AN] about a few of my questions and you guys were also very helpful, on-spot replies, for any questions.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: I came to the Twin Lakes project and then found that the Kolter Group was developing it. Kolter’s a very good builder, with a good financial condition and experience, so that is what I liked the most about them. And the other thing is that Twin Lakes is a rural project, so that matches with the TEA [category] and the amount I can invest in.

Rural area [projects] have 20% of the EB-5 visa set-asides. So, I always faced a backlog for the H-1B Green Card. And if it happens with EB-5, then you already have invested the money; you are in the process and you cannot come out of that process.

So, that’s why it’s very good that [thanks to investing in a rural EB-5 project], if the process goes fine, you are going to get the Green Card on time.



背景:我叫Ram。我最开始是持F-1签证来到美国攻读研究生。毕业以后 ……我的雇主的确通过EB-2就业类别为我提供了绿卡,我在2017年5月获得了批准,(但)从那以后我就一直在EB-2排期名单中等待绿卡的发放。由于我必须等待(至少)20年才能通过EB-2排期获得绿卡……因此[我]想寻找获得绿卡的其他合法途径……说实话,我找到的唯一的其他方式就是EB-5。


我希望与拥有至少10 年经验并且从头到尾完成过申请过程的区域中心合作。这将范围缩小到只有少数几个区域中心。然后是项目的选择,特别是针对印度公民而言:我必须寻找一个乡村项目,以避免EB-5签证的排期

我会大力推荐益博EB5AN。 (益博EB5AN])提供了详细的文档和协议,而且……对我的任何问题都有求必应。 此外,网站提供的教育信息视频……大大帮助我增加了对整个 EB-5 流程的了解。

为什么选择佐治亚双子湖别墅项目益博EB5AN和开德集团的双子湖别墅项目绝对是我们备选列表中排名靠前的项目之一。 我们通过向Sam咨询认购协议中我不明白的内容,对这个项目进行了更透彻的研究……这帮助我将范围缩小到双子湖别墅项目。

(首先),这是一项房地产投资。其次,它是一个因对新住宅的需求的增加而开发的单户住宅社区项目……项目位置也让(我们)很感兴趣。 此外…… 看到由具有雄厚财务实力的贷方提供资金的高级贷款……意味着他们有做大量的工作,仔细审阅了项目状况并决定为其提供资金。

Name: Deepak
From: India
Occupation: Entrepreneur; business and consulting

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: Wanted children to be educated in the United States and study at U.S. colleges/universities.

Background: I’ve been an entrepreneur for 10, 15 years and have traveled a lot in all different countries. And that’s why I thought maybe to get global exposure to my kids, because that would make them give an edge when they grow up and when they enter into industry.

Why EB5AN: One of the criteria was that they [the regional center] should care more about me rather and not just my money. So whenever I interacted with EB5AN, I got a very quick response within a couple of hours.

And this was not just before I invested. It was after the investment also.

Being in business myself and consulting, this is a huge trust factor—if you raise anxiety of the people at the other end, they don’t trust you, no matter how good you are.

I didn’t get a chance to talk to any principal in any of the [other] regional centers actually. It was mostly someone who was hired either two years back or four years back or an associate—which was not the case with Sam. I was interacting with you. You were very fast in replying to me and all that stuff, which boosted my confidence a lot.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia:

I came across some statistics that I was tracking very closely, where it was given that, if people are applying in urban, then how long it’s going to take for you to get a Green Card.

And in February, I came across that that number has already reached five years, estimated.

So I quickly shifted from an urban to a rural [project].

[Twin Lakes] has a very good history. It was not a blank site where it is projected that the houses are going to be made. It had people who had already invested and also got an approval on EB-5. It was very close to Atlanta’s downtown. It was a high-success project that I found.



背景:我叫James……我是一名职业律师,房地产经验非常丰富。 我们最终选择了EB-5签证选项,因为我们觉得……EB-5是获得绿卡的最佳、最可靠的方式。
“我们开始更多地关注双子湖项目。 如果出现销售速度或销售数量放缓、减少的情况,开发商可以相应放慢房屋建设速度。这样一来,项目可以灵活应对经济放缓,这是其他项目所不具备的一个优点。”


为什么选择佐治亚双子湖别墅项目:我们考虑了许多不同的项目。 我不得不说,其中大多数都是非常有吸引力、结构良好的项目。因为我们只挑选拥有丰富经验的大型区域中心,所以他们的大多数项目看起来都是可靠的、优质的项目,有好的参与者、好的开发商。可靠的项目有很多,但它们之间也有差异。我们最终选择了双子湖别墅项目,因为我们认为,考虑到目前的经济环境,住宅项目的风险是最小的。


Name: Hardik
From: India
Occupation: Electrical engineer

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: Wanted expanded career opportunities in electrical engineering

Background: My name is Hardik. My background is I’m an electrical engineer, I’ve studied in Canada, and then most recently I moved to US a few months back. Looking at the industry and broad market in US, I felt that there was a lot more opportunity; they got more that I could still learn and grow in. Looking at a combination of opportunities for myself as well as for my kids, we decided to go with the EB-5 option.

Why EB5AN: Working with EB5AN was very, very, very helpful and very easy, I would say. Sam is always available to chat online, chat on WhatsApp. And I think that’s the key, you want to be able to talk to someone who can answer your questions.

And with EB5AN, I actually felt very happy that, whenever I had a question, my process was so smooth, I asked the question, I got a response right away.

That speaks that they care about the client and they want to make sure that you feel comfortable. The other aspect that I want to point out is there is no wrong questions that you could ask. And Sam has done tremendous job providing investors interview, to details, updated reports on a regular basis.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: I wanted to make sure that I went with a rural project, and that specifically, again, was important for me because rural projects have a 20% set aside.

The other thing was with the Twin Lakes, I was drawn to the builder, Kolter. They have extensive experience as well as a proven history of successfully completing their projects, and that was highlighted as well on their website that they have a proven track record of completing every single project 100%.

The project is called Twin Lakes, and it’s a 55+ community. That’s the other area that I started researching into, the 55+ active community. And I found out that growth and demand for 55+ communities in the US have been on the rise for several reasons, and they’ll continue to expand in coming years.

Name: Siva
From: Sri Lanka
Occupation: Financial services

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: EB-5 was the safest immigration option to live and work in the United States

Background: I’ve been in financial services for around 15 years. The U.S. itself appealed to us for a number of reasons. We have some family there, and we also have the opportunity in the U.S. to be able to work under the EB-5 program. It was appealing on a number of different fronts, from employment to family setup, and overall quality of life.

Why EB5AN: With your track record and your background, we felt that you had the right credentials to be handling this sort of project. There are vast amounts of money involved in each project, and you need somebody who’s, A, someone of high integrity, and, B, someone who understands the financial element of the instruments that are actually being agreed to.

We felt, by speaking to EB5AN, that we were getting an honest and straightforward set of answers to all the questions that we were putting forward. That was really important, because ultimately, you’re investing in a project. However, that project is selected and marketed by a regional center. You have to believe that that regional center operates with integrity.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: For us, the idea of investing in a project that was rural came with benefits, but it was actually this project [Twin Lakes Georgia] specifically. You could see, in terms of the capital stack, retained profits within the business, their track record of delivering this type of project, that we felt very comfortable with. It was a combination of the fact that it was rural, but also, the project in its own right, and the way that the project had been fairly successful to date, with a very successful project owner, or manager, in Kolter. Kolter has an excellent track record, and a guaranty from the holding parent company made us feel very comfortable.



背景: 我叫Sid。2017 年,我与(我的妻子)永久移居美国……通过H-1B签证。(我妻子的)公司通过EB-2签证赞助了她的绿卡。但对于很多(来自)印度的移民来说……EB-2绿卡的申请积压确实非常严重。

在很长一段时间里,我都有一种错觉,认为 (EB-5)完全是个骗局。(但是)我父亲一直催促我申请EB-5。(他)给我订阅了一堆电子邮件……都是关于EB-5签证的。我看到一封电子邮件……上面写着,“现在申请,立刻获得EAD,而且印度公民绿卡无排期。” 就是这句话引起了我的注意。

为什么选择益博EB5AN: 我基本上咨询了所有主要的区域中心:CMB、CanAm、EB-5 Capital、EB-5 United、Pine State、Golden Gate Global。并不是针对任何人……(但是)你所选择合作的区域中心,你必须要对他们感到满意……(这也包括)他们当时正在发售的项目。双子湖别墅是一个很好的项目,已经在建设中了……拥有信誉良好且销售业绩记录良好的开发商,同时还拥有良好业绩记录、在行业中经营多年且反应迅速的区域中心……这就是我选择益博EB5AN的原因。


为什么选择佐治亚双子湖别墅项目: 双子湖别墅项目中所有EB-5投资者所需的工作岗位均已创造。因此,如果你的资金来源清白,那么绝对没有理由不获得绿卡。


Name: Amit
From: India
Occupation: Software engineer

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: After obtaining an H-1B work visa, wanted a faster path to a Green Card than the EB-1 and EB-2 options

Background: I am Amit. I come from India. We came to the US around 2013 with our two kids. We came to the US on an H-1B visa to work for Amazon. Then, because of the H-1B, at a certain point, we decided that we wanted to stay here and apply for permanent residency.

Why EB5AN: I think EB5AN is a very professional team. We had lots of doubts that were project-related and process-related, and EB5AN was very upfront about giving all the information. They were very responsive. Overall, I loved working with the EB5AN team to understand our doubts and make a decision to invest in an EB-5 project.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: We like the Twin Lakes project for two primary reasons. One reason is that it qualifies for the rural initiative. The second one is faster processing.

Another primary factor when you’re looking for a project is the builder. Kolter is the builder for the Twin Lakes project. The builder’s records: they have been working for a very long time, and their records are impeccable.

See, when we make an EB-5 investment, we want to protect our investment, and we want to get the Green Card. Having all the jobs already created and the project being more than 50% complete gives us good confidence that we will get both things.



背景:我叫Surya。我在2015年持F-1签证来到美国,并于2020年转为 H-1B 签证。我在 IT 行业担任项目经理。我的I-140申请已获得批准,正在等待获得绿卡。但同时,我在考虑其他选择……(为了)以更快的方式获得绿卡的过程中,发现了这个投资机会,并选择了它。

为什么选择益博EB5AN:对于对我而言,一切始于益博EB5AN,我的同事和家人一年前已经有过与益博EB5AN沟通的经历……由于我已经了解益博EB5AN了,因此我立即开始关注益博EB5AN的项目。 正是因为听说过益博EB5AN……(以及)了解了该区域中心以及建立该区域中心的人员的资质……我决定继续选择益博EB5AN。

为什么选择佐治亚双子湖别墅项目:我接触了……犹他金鹰高尔夫庄园项目和……佐治亚双子湖别墅项目。我觉得我的预期与佐治亚双子湖别墅项目更加一致,这就是我选择继续与益博EB5A合作并投资双子湖别墅项目的原因。 此外,作为我对整个项目的评估的一部分,我遇到了参与这两个项目的开发商。对于双子湖项目而言……开德集团在此类项目方面拥有丰富的经验。他们参与了多个项目,总是能够及时向投资者还款并按时完成项目。


