EB-5 Investor Testimonial:
Siva From Sri Lanka

Select Highlights of the Interview with Siva from Sri Lanka
EB-5 Investor in the EB5AN Twin Lakes Georgia EB-5 Project

In terms of the flexibility that the EB-5 visa gives you, it is far superior. It allows you to work as well as to live in the country. It covers your whole family. It’s unconditional after the two years. In our opinion, it was the best option for us.

In my opinion, you should choose a project where you can trust the person that you’re speaking to at the regional center. They should be a principal or a partner in that regional center. They should not, in my opinion, be a salesperson.

For us, the idea of investing in a project that was rural came with benefits, but it was actually this project [Twin Lakes Georgia] specifically. You could see, in terms of the capital stack, retained profits within the business, their track record of delivering this type of project, that we felt very comfortable with.

Full Interview with Siva from Sri Lanka
EB-5 Investor in the EB5AN Twin Lakes Georgia EB-5 Project

Why I Made an EB-5 Investment

This is Sam Silverman, managing partner of EB5AN. Today, we’re going to be speaking with an EB-5 investor in our Twin Lakes Georgia rural EB-5 project, Siva from Sri Lanka. During the webinar, we’ll get an idea from Siva about why he pursued [EB-5], what made it appealing to bring him and his family to the United States long term—and also talk about his process, the investment projects that were available, and why he ended up deciding to invest in the Twin Lakes Georgia rural EB-5 project.

Selecting an EB-5 Immigration Attorney

Selecting an EB-5 Project and Regional Center

The Twin Lakes Georgia Project’s Immigration and Financial Risk Profile

Why It’s Important to Speak Directly With Your Regional Center’s Ownership

Summary: Siva’s Advice For EB-5 Investors
