Twin Lakes Investor Testimonial Highlights

EB5AN is proud to have a positive relationship with our clients who trust us with their EB-5 investments. We do everything we can to ensure each EB-5 investor is entirely satisfied, from our initial consultation through the end of the EB-5 process.

But don’t just take our word for it. Following are some testimonials from actual Twin Lakes Georgia investors.

In these testimonials, you’ll find some common themes.

Our clients choose EB5AN for our professionalism, communication, and experience. We are honest and transparent, focusing on ensuring investors have all the information they need to make informed choices.

Our clients choose Twin Lakes, Georgia, because it has an experienced developer with impeccable credentials. They feel they can invest confidently since the project is already a success. Investors find it easy to trust Kolter since it has never failed to repay a loan and offers an EB-5 loan repayment guaranty. Also, enough jobs are already created for every EB-5 investor to meet the job creation requirements of the EB-5 program. Also, many of our clients choose Twin Lakes because it is in a rural TEA. This designation means investors get priority processing on their I-526E petitions and face no visa backlogs.

If you are interested in investing in an EB-5 project, we encourage you to schedule a one-on-one consultation. We would be delighted to have you become part of our community of hundreds of satisfied EB-5 investors.

Name: Siddarth
From: India
Occupation: Investment banker

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: H1-B visa due to expire at the end of 2023

Background: My name is Siddarth. I came to the U.S. in 2015 as a student to do my MBA at Duke. And post-MBA, I started working in investment banking. I was on the East Coast . . . and I’m based out of California now. My H1-B [visa] runs out by the end of 2023 . . . [so] we decided to . . . pursue the EB-5 visa.

Why EB5AN: A few things stood out for me when I discovered EB5AN, including the pedigree of the founders. Coming from a business school and investment banking background, it gave me comfort to see that the folks I was corresponding with were highly qualified, intelligent individuals who have worked for global organizations. It gave me the comfort that they are trying to run a clean shop and do things in a transparent manner as much possible. And in my interactions with Sam and other members of the EB5AN team, I could see that these folks were highly responsive.

I wholeheartedly recommend EB5AN.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: I came across a couple of news items that talked about how Kolter had returned capital from its investors who had invested in certain projects during the global financial crisis caused by what was going on in the real estate market in the U.S.

This gave me a degree of confidence that the builder was trustworthy. They are not only building a brand of reliability and trust, but they are also making sure that whoever works with them—whether it’s a customer or investor—feels satisfied with the outcome of the projects they are a part of.

I went to Twin Lakes to visit the project and see what was going on for myself, and I confirmed that these guys were real.

Name: James
From: Canada
Occupation: Attorney

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: EB-5 is the best and most secure way to obtain a Green Card

Background: My name is James . . . I am an attorney by profession and have a lot of real estate experience. We ended up settling on the EB-5 visa option because we felt . . . that EB-5 is the best and most secure way to obtain a Green Card.

Why EB5AN: A couple of things that I would note about EB5AN, your and Mike’s firm: I was very pleased to see, first of all, that you and Mike were available to respond specifically to questions with what I felt was a lot of expertise. You guys were available, you understood what you were doing. I felt that there was a level of professionalism and knowledge and experience that came through, and in the end, I had a very good feeling of confidence and trusted in your firm.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: We looked at a number of different projects. Most of them, I have to say, are very attractive, well-structured projects. Because we were only looking at the major regional centers with a lot of experience, most of the projects that they had seemed like solid, good projects with good players, good developers. There are solid projects, but there are differences. We ended up settling in on the Twin Lakes project because we felt that, given the economic climate right now, residential projects would be the least risky.

For an investor going into the EB-5 visa process, the number one priority (from my perspective), is that the application is accepted, that the conditional Green Card is received. And that the job creation requirements are met, so that when the I-829 application is filed, the permanent Green Card will be received by the investor and their family. . . . So, we really like the Twin Lakes project, from that perspective, because not only is it rural and has the priority processing (and hopefully, we’ll get the conditional approval faster), but the job creation requirement . . . has already been met.

Name: Ken
From: United States
Occupation: Retired Financial Services Professional

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: My wife is Filipina with a large family that she wants to bring to the U.S.

Background: [I am] Ken . . . from Queens, New York. I spent 30-plus years in the corporate world, mostly in financial roles, in financial services. The . . . reason I got involved in EB-5 is because my wife is Filipina and she has a large family in the Philippines; she’s been wanting for a long time to bring them here. We came across the EB-5 investment opportunity, which . . . seemed to be a very good fit for our goals.

Why EB5AN: I came across Sam Silverman and his organization [and] spent some time discussing the situation with him. . . . I like the fact that Sam has already locked in all the jobs. I saw the economist’s report on the job creation, and we’ve already satisfied the government requirements for job creation for each investor. And so, that risk has been minimized. . . . I would also say that Sam and his team were very easy to work with; they were responsive, they were patient. That also made me feel good about working with this team, that I could get help whenever I needed it.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: One of the lawyers that I was referred to was Anahita George, who was the lawyer I eventually ended up going with. Not only was she easy to work with and available, but she herself is sponsoring her sister to come to the United States from India through the EB-5 program. And she has chosen to invest in the same project I did, the Twin Lakes rural project. So, that gave me some comfort that she was committed to the same project that I ultimately chose. I also spoke to another investor in the Twin Lakes project who was very enthusiastic about the investment; he had done due diligence on the project before I did and gave it a good review.

To my mind, the single most important factor that matters in a real estate development like this is the track record of the developer. . . . Kolter Homes has a long track record in the Southeast of developing residential real estate like the Twin Lakes projects. Given that track record, I felt that they would be an excellent source of investment and would produce the results I was looking for.

Name: Mohan
From: India
Occupation: Company Director

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: Son has tried to get the H-1B visa through his employer four times without success

Background: I am Mohan . . . [and] I’m currently based in Lagos. My son is in the U.S. . . . [who] has tried to get the H-1B visa through is employer four times. All four times he didn’t get it. I heard about this option of the EB-5 investment route for a Green Card a couple of years ago through my brother… then we decided, “Yes, let’s do it.”

Why EB5AN: Two aspects [are] very important for us . . . one is getting the Green Card, and the second one is the security of the investment. One [company] we zeroed in on straight was EB5AN. . . . Sam was very impressive. Let me tell you that. You won’t believe. I just sent an email, and . . . he responded within an hour, and we . . . fixed the time for a call. . . . I found him very upfront, open, with almost an hour-long discussion. . . . He was transparent [and] that made me feel confident. . . . What he didn’t know, he said, “No, this cannot be done, or this cannot be assured.”

I also looked at the company’s performance. They started in 2013 and had been successful on 8+ projects they were already on. He explained . . . everything. [So] I had zeroed in on EB5AN, and decided to go with Sam.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: We zeroed in straight on Twin Lakes. It’s small homes targeted for people who retire and who want to move in and settle there so that they can live comfortably with a lesser investment and they can live happily in the community. Already 440 homes are sold out. Kolter does not have a single project not completed, and not one loan repayment not done. Everything has been done. They are one of the top [twenty-]five private home builders in the United States and have an excellent reputation. They [have] built over 20,000 homes. Reputation was impeccable.

Name: Rahul
From: India
Occupation: Software Systems Professional

Reason for investing in an EB-5 Visa: EB-5 met all of our criteria

Background: My name is Rahul. I came to the U.S. as a student for my undergraduate degree . . . in finance. I was fortunate enough to work for a year, but then with all the H-1B regulations . . . I went back to getting my master’s. I ended up getting my master’s, and . . . I’ve been with [a software systems integrator] for about nine years.

As for choosing an EB-5 investment . . . we felt that it would provide us with a little more flexibility and certainty regarding our lives in the U.S.

Why EB5AN: I have three letters, and they are S-A-M. Whenever I spoke with [Sam], [his] professionalism, the way [he] communicate[s]—[he] never forced us to sign on any project without helping us as much as [he] can and letting us complete our due diligence. And just the overall vibes. That’s something that you cannot explain, but whenever I spoke with [Sam], I always felt confident that . . . EB5AN was the company that I wanted to invest through.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: So, brand name was number one. When you hear about Kolter and the amount of undertakings they’ve had and their decades-long track record of completing successful projects—never defaulting on a loan or any sort of funding for that matter—that was a big, big thing for us.

Number two is the track record of sales within the Twin Lakes project. When I signed up with EB5AN, we were getting periodic reports of different projects, and Twin Lakes was one of them. I was looking at how they were constantly selling and getting bookings for their houses.

Number three, speaking with [Sam] and [my attorney] Anahita on numerous occasions, we got a sense of confidence that “Okay, these professionals have been in their respective areas of expertise for a number of years. And if they are talking so highly of this project, there must be some merit to the spiel.” It wasn’t just a sales pitch at that point.

Name: Milan
From: India
Occupation: Software engineer

Reason for investing in an EB-5 Visa: Freedom to work for any employer and work part time; son wants to pursue higher education in U.S. colleges/universities

Background: I came to the U.S. in 2014. And, since then, I was on an H-1B visa, working as a software engineer in the U.S. I want to get out of renewing my H-1B visa, every three years, and going through the visa process and all that. It was very inconvenient and I would have to put stress on family to do that process.

And another reason is for my son’s studies. He wants to pursue the medical domain. And for him to get admission into colleges is almost impossible if we are not citizens or permanent residents over here.

Why EB5AN: I came to the EB5AN website and went through the whole [EB-5] process. That helps you understand the process and give you a trust that, “Yeah. It is going to work.” So, in particular, the EB5AN website: the main thing I like is its transparency about the processes, all the project’s financial statements and everything.

That information is very helpful, while understanding that this regional center is doing great, you can trust the regional center, and it’s professional.

And, if I had any questions, then I was getting very quick replies. I also talked to Ahmed [Khan, a VP at EB5AN] about a few of my questions and you guys were also very helpful, on-spot replies, for any questions.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: I came to the Twin Lakes project and then found that the Kolter Group was developing it. Kolter’s a very good builder, with a good financial condition and experience, so that is what I liked the most about them. And the other thing is that Twin Lakes is a rural project, so that matches with the TEA [category] and the amount I can invest in.

Rural area [projects] have 20% of the EB-5 visa set-asides. So, I always faced a backlog for the H-1B Green Card. And if it happens with EB-5, then you already have invested the money; you are in the process and you cannot come out of that process.

So, that’s why it’s very good that [thanks to investing in a rural EB-5 project], if the process goes fine, you are going to get the Green Card on time.

Name: Ram
From: India
Occupation: Data Architect

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: EB-2 visa would take too long to process and approve; EB-5 was the ideal solution

Background: My name’s Ram. I came to the United States first on my F-1 visa to pursue grad school. After graduating . . . my employer did sponsor me for a Green Card through the EB-2 employment category, which was approved in May 2017, [but] ever since I’ve been stuck in this EB-2 queue waiting for a Green Card. Given that I had to wait about 20 years (at a minimum) to get my Green Card through the EB-2 queue . . . [I was] eager to find out what the other legal pathways were to a Green Card. . . . To be honest, the only other way that I found was EB-5.

Why EB5AN: Having worked with immigration attorneys who had filed EB-2s for my wife and friends, I realized that I needed to go with a smaller firm that could dedicate its time to me . . . [and] hold [my] hand throughout the process.

I wanted to go with regional centers who had at least 10 years of experience and had done this process end to end. That narrowed it down to only a handful of regional centers. Then the project component of it, specifically for an Indian national: I had to look for a rural project just to avoid being stuck in the EB-5 queue.

I would definitely recommend EB5AN. [EB5AN] include[s] the detailed docs and agreements and . . . [were] really quick in responses to my questions. Also, the educator videos on the channel . . . helped me increase my knowledge on the whole EB-5 process.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: EB5AN’s and Kolter’s project, Twin Lakes, was definitely one of our top ones in the list. We researched more on this project by asking questions to Sam about things in the subscription agreement that I didn’t understand . . . which helped me narrow it down to the Twin Lakes Project.

[First], it’s a real estate investment. Second, it is a single family home community where the development happens as the demand for new homes come up. . . . The location definitely got [us] interested. Then . . . seeing a senior loan that’s funded from a lender that has financial muscle . . . means that someone had already done the homework, scrutinized the project, and funded it.

Name: Hardik
From: India
Occupation: Electrical engineer

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: Wanted expanded career opportunities in electrical engineering

Background: My name is Hardik. My background is I’m an electrical engineer, I’ve studied in Canada, and then most recently I moved to US a few months back. Looking at the industry and broad market in US, I felt that there was a lot more opportunity; they got more that I could still learn and grow in. Looking at a combination of opportunities for myself as well as for my kids, we decided to go with the EB-5 option.

Why EB5AN: Working with EB5AN was very, very, very helpful and very easy, I would say. Sam is always available to chat online, chat on WhatsApp. And I think that’s the key, you want to be able to talk to someone who can answer your questions.

And with EB5AN, I actually felt very happy that, whenever I had a question, my process was so smooth, I asked the question, I got a response right away.

That speaks that they care about the client and they want to make sure that you feel comfortable. The other aspect that I want to point out is there is no wrong questions that you could ask. And Sam has done tremendous job providing investors interview, to details, updated reports on a regular basis.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: I wanted to make sure that I went with a rural project, and that specifically, again, was important for me because rural projects have a 20% set aside.

The other thing was with the Twin Lakes, I was drawn to the builder, Kolter. They have extensive experience as well as a proven history of successfully completing their projects, and that was highlighted as well on their website that they have a proven track record of completing every single project 100%.

The project is called Twin Lakes, and it’s a 55+ community. That’s the other area that I started researching into, the 55+ active community. And I found out that growth and demand for 55+ communities in the US have been on the rise for several reasons, and they’ll continue to expand in coming years.

Name: Karthik
From: India
Occupation: Artist management

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: Non-immigrant visas like the H-1B and O-1 visas had highly specific requirements that were difficult to meet for a recent college graduate. Karthik wanted to live and work permanently in the United States.

Background: I first moved to the U.S. when I was 19—and this was back in 2017—to pursue a career in music.

EB-5 was pretty much the only option on the table for me, because it was the only one that I could apply for that, well, one, wasn’t employment-based and, two, it was something that I could do on my own. And I wasn’t beholden to any employer […] [EB-5] was something that I could do by myself to solve my immigration problems for good.

Why EB5AN: I looked at EB5AN, and it stood out to me for multiple reasons. One, it had a 100% USCIS approval rate, which was huge.

Plus, for most EB5AN projects, the EADs and the advanced parole documents were being issued in 60 to 90 days, which is exactly what happened to me. And I needed that because I had a job at the time and, in order for me keep my job, I needed my employment authorization.

EB5AN was extremely great at communicating, which I found was quite lacking in some of the other regional centers that I spoke to. When I took a look at the subscription agreement, I liked how everything was laid out in a clear and legible way and that it felt like I was actually getting into business with people that were trustworthy.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: I was looking for a rural project given the processing times. I was told when I applied that I would get my EAD in about 60 days, which I did, and my I-526E in 12 months, which is exactly what happened for me.

I got mine in exactly 12 months. And both of those factors were key in me choosing a rural project [Twin Lakes], because processing times for people from my country of origin are just ridiculously long.

The project itself had created all jobs, and the homes were being sold at an amazing rate, and the business was generating positive cash flow, which was very important.

In the 2008 financial crisis, Kolter [the Twin Lakes project’s developer] made sure that every single one of their investors were paid, unlike most companies at the time that went completely bankrupt and investors were kind of screwed over. After reading Kolter’s history and after reading the extent of their involvement in real estate and the projects that they did, it seemed like the right fit.

Name: Sid
From: India
Occupation: Data Architect

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: EB-2 backlog was too long, while EB-5 has the least wait time

Background: My name is Sid. In 2017, I permanently moved to the U.S. with [my wife] . . . on the H-1B. [My wife’s] company had sponsored her Green Card through EB-2. But for a lot of people [from] . . . India, the Green Card backlog for EB-2 is really huge.

For the longest time, I had this false sense that [EB-5] was all a scam. [But] my dad was pushing me towards EB-5. [He] had signed me up for all these email[s] . . . regarding EB-5. I saw an email . . . that said, “If you apply now, you can get your EAD, and there are no backlogs for Green Cards for Indian . . . nationals.” That is what caught my attention.

Why EB5AN: I ended up talking to pretty much all the major regional centers: CMB, CanAm, EB-5 Capital, EB-5 United, Pine State, Golden Gate Global. Nothing against anyone . . . [but] the regional center you work with, you have to be comfortable with it . . . [and] the project that they’re offering at that time. Twin Lakes was a good project that was already being constructed . . . with developers who were reputable and had a good track record, and a regional center that had a good track record who had been in the business for a while and that was responsive . . . That is what led me toward EB5AN.

The transparency was really good. I remember asking for a lot of documentation with regards to the developer. . . . I sent a huge list of questions, which I wanted in writing. . . . I did have that questionnaire answered, which was really good.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: All the required jobs for all the EB-5 investors in the Twin Lakes project had already been created. So, if your source of funds is clean, there should be absolutely no reason why you do not end up getting a Green Card.

We went to Atlanta to look at the Twin Lakes project. . . . We were pleasantly surprised at how well the project was already doing because it was almost like walking into a project that was a few years into the process. . . . We were already interested in the project before we went there, but once we were there, we were pretty certain that this seemed as legitimate as possible.

Name: Deepak
From: India
Occupation: Entrepreneur; business and consulting

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: Wanted children to be educated in the United States and study at U.S. colleges/universities.

Background: I’ve been an entrepreneur for 10, 15 years and have traveled a lot in all different countries. And that’s why I thought maybe to get global exposure to my kids, because that would make them give an edge when they grow up and when they enter into industry.

Why EB5AN: One of the criteria was that they [the regional center] should care more about me rather and not just my money. So whenever I interacted with EB5AN, I got a very quick response within a couple of hours.

And this was not just before I invested. It was after the investment also.

Being in business myself and consulting, this is a huge trust factor—if you raise anxiety of the people at the other end, they don’t trust you, no matter how good you are.

I didn’t get a chance to talk to any principal in any of the [other] regional centers actually. It was mostly someone who was hired either two years back or four years back or an associate—which was not the case with Sam. I was interacting with you. You were very fast in replying to me and all that stuff, which boosted my confidence a lot.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia:

I came across some statistics that I was tracking very closely, where it was given that, if people are applying in urban, then how long it’s going to take for you to get a Green Card.

And in February, I came across that that number has already reached five years, estimated.

So I quickly shifted from an urban to a rural [project].

[Twin Lakes] has a very good history. It was not a blank site where it is projected that the houses are going to be made. It had people who had already invested and also got an approval on EB-5. It was very close to Atlanta’s downtown. It was a high-success project that I found.

Name: Kaushal and Ayushi
From: India
Occupation: Engineering

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: Freedom to work for any employer and travel internationally while living in the United States. Other visa options were too restrictive, highly uncertain, or had extremely long wait times.

Background: We are originally from Mumbai. Both of us came to the U.S. to pursue our master’s in engineering. We actually started off on student visas. Both of us went the route of working through the OPT and CPT programs, and then eventually transitioned on to our H-1Bs.

Also, when we learned about concurrent filing if you’re in the U.S., that even if there is a backlog, we have our EADs and APs and we can legally live in the United States, work in the United States, leave the country, come back inside without having to worry about anything.

Why EB5AN: We spoke to more than six or seven regional centers in total. The biggest difference we saw was, number one, transparency. With EB5AN … every number or every metric that we needed was provided.

Whenever we asked any questions, Sam or Mike was willing to get on a quick call. I know they’re working with a lot of investors, but they were gracious enough to have one-on-one communication.

EB5AN has done a great job in terms of getting testimonies, getting up-to-date information about regulations and policies, or even expanding their portfolio in different types of projects.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: The loan repayment guaranty was great. That was definitely a pivotal point in our decision.

The financials were very crystal clear. The transparency was maintained by both the regional center as well as Kolter as a development group, because we had a lot of questions … and they were satisfied not just with the emails but with the attachments of financials … the balance sheets and whatnot.

What we saw over that period of six to ten months showed us that the [Twin Lakes] project was coming to fruition pretty quickly. We saw people living there, using the amenities, etc.

The jobs were already created by the time we invested, which gave us confidence.

Name: Siva
From: Sri Lanka
Occupation: Financial services

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: EB-5 was the safest immigration option to live and work in the United States

Background: I’ve been in financial services for around 15 years. The U.S. itself appealed to us for a number of reasons. We have some family there, and we also have the opportunity in the U.S. to be able to work under the EB-5 program. It was appealing on a number of different fronts, from employment to family setup, and overall quality of life.

Why EB5AN: With your track record and your background, we felt that you had the right credentials to be handling this sort of project. There are vast amounts of money involved in each project, and you need somebody who’s, A, someone of high integrity, and, B, someone who understands the financial element of the instruments that are actually being agreed to.

We felt, by speaking to EB5AN, that we were getting an honest and straightforward set of answers to all the questions that we were putting forward. That was really important, because ultimately, you’re investing in a project. However, that project is selected and marketed by a regional center. You have to believe that that regional center operates with integrity.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: For us, the idea of investing in a project that was rural came with benefits, but it was actually this project [Twin Lakes Georgia] specifically. You could see, in terms of the capital stack, retained profits within the business, their track record of delivering this type of project, that we felt very comfortable with. It was a combination of the fact that it was rural, but also, the project in its own right, and the way that the project had been fairly successful to date, with a very successful project owner, or manager, in Kolter. Kolter has an excellent track record, and a guaranty from the holding parent company made us feel very comfortable.

Name: Amit
From: India
Occupation: Software engineer

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: After obtaining an H-1B work visa, wanted a faster path to a Green Card than the EB-1 and EB-2 options

Background: I am Amit. I come from India. We came to the US around 2013 with our two kids. We came to the US on an H-1B visa to work for Amazon. Then, because of the H-1B, at a certain point, we decided that we wanted to stay here and apply for permanent residency.

Why EB5AN: I think EB5AN is a very professional team. We had lots of doubts that were project-related and process-related, and EB5AN was very upfront about giving all the information. They were very responsive. Overall, I loved working with the EB5AN team to understand our doubts and make a decision to invest in an EB-5 project.

Why Twin Lakes Georgia: We like the Twin Lakes project for two primary reasons. One reason is that it qualifies for the rural initiative. The second one is faster processing.

Another primary factor when you’re looking for a project is the builder. Kolter is the builder for the Twin Lakes project. The builder’s records: they have been working for a very long time, and their records are impeccable.

See, when we make an EB-5 investment, we want to protect our investment, and we want to get the Green Card. Having all the jobs already created and the project being more than 50% complete gives us good confidence that we will get both things.

Name: Surya
From: India
Occupation: IT Project Manager

Reason for Investing in an EB-5 Visa: Was looking for faster ways to gain permanent residency

Background: My name is Surya. I came to the U.S. in 2015 on an F-1 visa and moved on to an H-1B visa in 2020. I work in IT as a project manager. I have my I-140 application approved and am in line to get a Green Card. But meanwhile, while looking at other options . . . [for] a faster way, I came across this investment opportunity and I chose to pursue it.

Why EB5AN: For me, the starting point was EB5AN, having the experience of my colleagues or family talking to EB5AN a year ago. . . . Since I already knew about EB5AN, I immediately started looking at EB5AN and its projects. Having heard of EB5AN . . . [and] the credentials of this regional center and of the people who established this regional center . . . I chose to proceed with EB5AN.

Why Twin Lakes: I came across . . . Wohali in Utah and . . . Twin Lakes in Georgia. I felt my expectations were a bit more aligned with the Twin Lakes Georgia project, which is why I chose to proceed with EB5AN and Twin Lakes. Also, as part of my evaluation, I came across the builders who were involved in both of those projects. With Twin Lakes . . . Kolter has an extensive experience with this kind of projects. They were part of multiple projects and they always paid their investors and also completed their projects on time.

More Twin Lakes Resources

Schedule a free consultation to discuss the Twin Lakes Georgia rural EB-5 project with a member of our team. It would be our privilege to help you secure your future in the U.S.
