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Building My Future in the U.S. With the EB-5 Visa: Karthik’s Story

My name’s Karthik, and I’m from Bangalore, a city in southern India. I moved to the U.S. in 2017 to pursue a career in the music industry.

After finishing my studies, I decided that I wanted to stay in the U.S. long term. But it seemed that there weren’t any long-term immigration options available for me—until I discovered the EB-5 visa.

Through my EB-5 investment, I was approved for work and travel authorization in only 60 days.

And my I-526E petition for my initial U.S. Green Card was approved in only 12 months.

Many other students and visa workers in the U.S.—from India and around the world—are in a similar situation to the one I was in. The EB-5 visa may be the right option for them to stay in the U.S. without disrupting their careers, studies, and personal goals.

In this post, I share my experience making an EB-5 investment and give specific advice on how to make the process as smooth as possible.

Watch Karthik’s Full Interview

Securing My Future in the U.S: Why I Chose the EB-5 Program

I first went to Minnesota to attend a private music college, then transferred to Berklee College of Music in Boston. After that, I moved to Los Angeles and now work as an artist manager in the entertainment industry, specializing in legacy rock.

Living and working in the heart of the music industry, I needed a permanent solution to my immigration status to build my career, improve my skills, and network effectively.

I pursued the EB-5 visa because, given my work, securing long-term immigration was difficult. The H-1B visa wasn’t an option for me because it required employer sponsorship, and I was a freelancer at the time. Applying for an H-1B didn’t make sense for my situation.

Another option was the O-1 visa, which is very hard to get, especially when you’re starting out. You need credentials, awards, and a high level of recognition in your field. As a recent graduate, I didn’t have the career success required for an O-1 visa.

I found myself in a situation where the EB-5 visa was the only viable option. The EB-5 visa wasn’t employment-based, and I could apply for it on my own without relying on an employer.

It allowed me to solve my immigration issues independently, without needing sponsorship from anyone else.

I discovered the EB-5 visa option during my OPT (Optional Practical Training) period after finishing graduate school. I had about three or four months left of my OPT when I got serious about applying for EB-5.

The entire process was a last-minute effort. I began my research and planning quite late, but I’m glad I did it when I did. If I had delayed any further, I might have missed the chance to adjust my status from within the U.S., given that I was already living in the country.

The Source-of-Funds Process with My Immigration Attorney

When I decided to pursue the EB-5 visa, I knew I needed a great immigration attorney. I was introduced to Anahita George, and she was the only lawyer I had to talk to.

Her track record was impressive, and she had good references. She had worked with many regional centers and understood how these projects worked. She knew how to present the source of funds in a way that was specific to my country of origin, India.

Anahita made me feel confident that USCIS would approve my I-526E petition, which is exactly what happened.

After a few calls with her, I knew she was the right fit. I didn’t want anyone else handling my case.

The source-of-funds documentation process was smooth. Given the time crunch, it could have been even better if I had more time, but it was still very smooth. Anahita was easy to work with, and her feedback on each document was exceptional. She ensured that everything was presented in a way that USCIS would want to see. Her understanding of EB-5 policies was very impressive.

The entire process took about 60 days. This included consolidating the documents, arranging the funds, transferring the funds from India to the U.S., and then to the escrow account.

Finding an EB-5 Regional Center and an EB-5 Project: EB5AN and Twin Lakes Georgia

When I started looking at regional centers, I wanted one that would ensure my funds would be repaid. EB5AN stood out to me for several reasons. First, it had a 100% USCIS project approval rate, which was huge for me.

Another key factor was that EB5AN’s investors were quickly receiving employment authorization documents (EADs) and advance parole (AP) travel documents very quickly—in about 60 to 90 days.

I needed employment authorization to keep my job. My company was supportive and waited until I got it, which was very nice of them.

All these factors fit together well, and that’s why I chose EB5AN and the Twin Lakes Georgia rural project.

The Kolter Group, the developer of the Twin Lakes project, also played a significant role in my decision. Kolter has been in business for over 25 years and has invested more than $29 billion in real estate projects across the country.

I also came across a testimonial from Ken Jones, the president and CEO of Third Lake Capital, an equity partner of Kolter. He talked about how, during the 2008 financial crisis, Kolter ensured every investor was paid, unlike many companies that went bankrupt—and their investors lost their funds.

This impressive track record proved to me that Kolter was a developer I could trust with my funds.

The Twin Lakes project itself was impressive. All jobs were created, homes were selling quickly, and the business was generating positive cash flow. For an EB-5 project, it’s important to pick something that generates good cash flow, and Twin Lakes was doing just that thanks to Kolter.

The rural designation of Twin Lakes was another critical factor. It reduced the investment amount to $800,000 instead of $1.05 million.

USCIS processing times were also faster. I got my EAD in 60 days and my I-526E approval in exactly 12 months, which was what I needed. I’m glad I picked a rural EB-5 project.

I also noticed key differences between EB5AN and other regional centers. EB5AN was great at communicating, while other regional centers weren’t very transparent. EB5AN’s subscription agreement was clear and legible, and I felt like I was getting into business with trustworthy people.

My initial call with Sam and Mike was very informative. They told me about EB5AN’s track record and operations, which made me feel like I was working with very capable people.

For me, trust was crucial. I’m not well-versed in technical business details, and I wanted to work with people I could trust. EB5AN was responsive and helpful, showing me what I needed to know to make the right investment decision.

No other regional center gave me this level of transparency and support.

Planning My Future in the U.S. With My EB-5 Visa

Tackling immigration was my biggest challenge ever since I came to the U.S. Now that I have my EAD, AP, and I-526E approval, a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

I can finally focus on my career and what I want to do.

Long term, I plan to apply for U.S. citizenship. (EB-5 investors can apply for citizenship after holding U.S. Green Cards for five years.)

Once I achieve that, I want to spend my time doing what I love: working in the music industry. I have a mission to empower artists and everything they do.

I’m sure that many other foreign nationals living in the U.S.—perhaps as F-1 students or H-1B workers—have similar long-term goals. The EB-5 visa could be the quickest way to achieve these plans.

My Main Advice for Other EB-5 Investors

If you’re considering EB-5 immigration, here’s a brief summary of how I went about the EB-5 process.

I started by researching different regional centers and evaluating various projects. It was crucial to find a project that I felt I could understand well. There are so many industries to choose from, like hospitality, real estate, and education. Some EB-5 projects even involve building a college or a school.

Understanding the project I was investing in made a big difference. It allowed me to grasp how the project functions, its finances, and how it might perform in the future, especially with market fluctuations.

Twin Lakes, a single-family home community, was a straightforward and low-risk investment.

The regional center also needs to have a solid history. If the regional center has a consistent history of USCIS approvals, then it is likely the right choice.

My most important advice to new EB-5 investors is to do thorough research—on the project’s financials, the regional center, and the project developer. Make sure you understand the industry you are investing in. Look at all the critical factors like financials, job creation, and USCIS processing times.

I’m already enjoying a thriving career in the United States, and my long-term goal of becoming a U.S. citizen is within reach. All of this is possible thanks to the EB-5 visa. The planning and financial investment I made to secure my future in the United States were well worth it.
